Sunday, June 23, 2019

Bubble Tea - 01


If you live anywhere in South East Asia you MUST have tried at least ONE bubble tea drink. 
As far as I know, my bubble tea (also known as pearl tea) began with Cool Blog back in 2011 tak salah. I was in KK back then, so di KK ada Yoyo. During that time, Hipster cafes were thriving and Starbucks was ruling. 

Masa tu I rasa weird gila teh ais ni tapi ada tu bulat-bulat boleh kunyah. So interesting juga lah. Within 9 years, Bubble tea remains relevant. Companies selling these milky teas are flourishing like mushrooms (as Malay saying kata tumbuh macam cendawan). In KL since 2014 Chatime was the most famous bubble tea vendor. Then there was a busniness controversy back in 2015 (sila google) so they became Tealive. And now there's also Chatime somehow... whatever. 

Then began the Bubble Tea galore. EVERYONE seem to be crazy about em, posting all kinds of bubble tea on social media. So we decided to try these three. 

L-R : Gongcha, The Alley, Koi (All Pearl Miky Tea)
Here's my review as posted on my instagram previously.

Ok my stomach is officially FULL of bubbles and pearls 🤣 here's my review.. #gongcha would be THE BEST one for me. Sebab nicely priced and sedappp... #koibubbletea would come second sebab pearls dia GOLDEN!!! A bit too expensive for commoners tho 😍 And #TheAlley would come in last sebab TAWAR and overhyped. Or maybe the barrista (or mixer?) Tak pandai buat or something. Overall... #tealive de best sebab mana-mana pon ado 😬 I am officially #bubbleteagirl like a #typicalasian

Check out my instagram at

So what do you think? And how long do you think Bubble Tea will rule SE Asia?

1 comment:

  1. I have to say if i were given a choice to choose bubble tea shop, i would definitely go to gong cha. Cheap and tasty would guarantee me that i wouldnt be disappointed for shoo. I hope this bubble tea madness dissipate.
